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Unlocking the Secrets: Journey to Becoming a Great Frontend Engineer

Ebimene Agent
Software Engineer

As technology continues to shape the digital landscape, the role of a frontend engineer has become increasingly pivotal. A great frontend engineer possesses a unique blend of technical prowess, creativity, and a commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences. In this article, we will unravel the top secrets that can propel you on the path to becoming a standout frontend engineer

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Automating Salesforce Contact Management with Einstein Automated Contacts and Gmail

Vladimir Bjelajac
Salesforce Administrator

In the ever-evolving world of CRM and digital management, Salesforce continues to be a frontrunner, offering innovative solutions to streamline business processes. One such feature that is revolutionizing how businesses manage their contacts is Einstein Automated Contacts, especially when integrated with widely-used email services like Gmail. In this post, we'll delve into how you can automate the addition of contacts from your Gmail accounts using Salesforce's Einstein Automated Contacts.

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Data Management and Quality in Salesforce: Ensuring Excellence in the Era of AI

Jacob Green
Solution Architect

In the fast-evolving landscape of business technology, data quality remains a cornerstone. As any Salesforce user has, I've grappled with the challenges of maintaining high-quality data. From data import and cleaning to managing duplicates and ensuring data integrity, the journey is complex, especially in large organizations with massive data sets. This blog post aims to share my experiences and best practices for preserving data quality in Salesforce, a critical endeavor in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).

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Server side Pagination using contenful and Nextjs

Ebimene Agent
Software Engineer

Pagination is a critical component when dealing with large datasets in web development. In this technical guide, we'll explore how to implement server-side pagination using Contentful, a content management platform, and Next.js, a popular React framework. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of how to seamlessly integrate server-side pagination into your Next.js application, fetching content dynamically from Contentful.

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