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Resolving Common Salesforce Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

Himanshu Varshney
Senior Salesforce Developer

Salesforce is a comprehensive CRM platform that offers a wide array of functionalities to its users. However, like any complex system, users may encounter various errors. Understanding these errors and knowing how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining productivity and efficiency. Below are some common types of errors in Salesforce and how to resolve them.

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When and How to Use Record-Triggered Flows in Salesforce

Vladimir Bjelajac
Salesforce Administrator

From Workflow Rules and Process Builder to the now powerful Flow Builder, Salesforce has continuously enhanced its automation tools to empower administrators and developers alike. Among these, record-triggered flows stand out as a versatile and potent feature for automating complex business processes. In this article, we'll explore when and how to use record-triggered flows in Salesforce, accompanied by a practical use case to illustrate their potential.

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The Transformative Impact of Generative AI in the Legal Industry: Insights from Anablock and a Leading Silicon Valley Law Firm

Vuk Dukic
Senior Software Engineer

The legal industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution spearheaded by the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). This revolution is redefining traditional practices, from document management to client services, showcasing a future where technology enhances the delivery of legal services. Anablock and a prominent Silicon Valley law firm are at the forefront of this transformation, each adopting innovative approaches to harness the power of GenAI.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Performing CRUD Operations in Salesforce Using Postman

Himanshu Varshney
Senior Salesforce Developer

To perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on Salesforce from Postman, you'll need to set up your Salesforce environment for API access, configure Postman with the necessary authentication, and then execute the specific CRUD operations. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through this process.

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Integrating Domo and Salesforce for Enhanced Data Management

Vladimir Bjelajac
Salesforce Administrator

In today's data-driven business environment, the integration between analytics platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) systems is not just beneficial—it's essential. Among the plethora of tools available, Domo and Salesforce stand out for their robust features and flexibility. The Domo Salesforce Writeback Connector bridges the gap between analyzing data in Domo and actioning those insights within Salesforce, enabling businesses to leverage their data more effectively and efficiently. With over two decades of experience in the Salesforce ecosystem, I've seen the transformative power of integrating Salesforce with advanced analytics platforms like Domo. This blog post will delve into how you can connect data sets from Domo and create Person Accounts and Opportunities in Salesforce, illustrated through a practical use case

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