Salesforce Apex Annotations

by Himanshu Varshney, Senior Salesforce Developer



Purpose: Makes a method accessible from a Lightning component.


public class MyController {
    public static String sayHello(String name) {
        return 'Hello ' + name;


Purpose: Indicates that a method or class should no longer be used.


public class OldClass {
    public static void oldMethod() {
        // Old implementation


Purpose: Marks a method that runs asynchronously.


public class AsyncProcessor {
    public static void processAsync() {
        // Asynchronous processing

Purpose: Allows a method to be called from a Process Builder or Flow.
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public class FlowController {
    public static void processRecords(List<Id> recordIds) {
        // Process logic


Purpose: Used within a class that has @InvocableMethod to define variables that can be set from a Flow or Process Builder.


public class Parameters {
    public String param1;


Purpose: Marks a class or method as a test class or test method.


private class TestMyClass {
    @IsTest static void testMyMethod() {
        // Test code


Purpose: Allows non-public members of Apex classes to be serialized and deserialized in JSON.


public class MyClass {
    private String myField;


Purpose: Exposes a global class, method, or variable to any Apex code that resides in a namespace.


public class SharedClass {
    // Class implementation


Purpose: Allows a Visualforce page to perform read-only operations that do not count against the governor limits for SOQL queries.


public with sharing class MyReadOnlyClass {
    // Query logic


Purpose: Exposes a method in a Visualforce controller to be called from JavaScript.


public with sharing class MyController {
    public static String performAction(String param) {
        // Action logic


Purpose: Instructs the compiler to suppress specific warnings.


public class MySuppressedClass {
    // Code that uses deprecated methods


Purpose: Used in test classes to define methods that set up test data.


private class MyTestClass {
    static void setup() {
        // Setup test data


Purpose: Allows test methods to access private or protected members of another class.


public class MyClass {
    @TestVisible private static Integer myCounter = 0;

Each of these annotations serves a specific purpose and helps define the behavior of your Apex code in different scenarios, particularly in the context of Salesforce's multi-tenant environment and its governor limits.

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